Adult Classes


Adult Open Class Information

The following are drop-in classes available to community dancers, and no prior registration is required. All classes are $10, cash or check, paid to the instructor. Dancers are given a punch card, and after 10 classes are punched, the 11th class is free! Cards may also be paid in full for $100 and the card will be used to track your attendance.

Ballet Classes: Ballet attire is recommended, and leotard colors are free choice. Skirts may be worn at the barre and center. Slippers are required.
Modern classes: Comfortable athletic clothing, pants preferred. Bare feet.

Tap: Comfortable athletic clothing and tap shoes.

Summer Schedule
For Adult Open Classes during June 19-August 19, please click here.
**Please note these deviations to the schedule:
-Modern 2 will not be held on 7/25 or 7/27
-Adult Open Ballet will not be held on 8/12 or 8/19

September 5, 2017–June 16, 2018
(Schedule changes during school Winter closure, Dec 19-Jan 1. Please call the Academy at 541-686-9342 or refer to the instructor.)

Intermediate Ballet
Tuesday/Thursday 6:30-8:00 Studio A or B/C
(50 min barre, 30 min center)
For adult dancers with 2+ years ballet training
Instructor: Florabelle Moses

Inter/Adv Ballet
Saturday 11:00 am–12:30 pm, Studio A
(50 min barre, 30 min center)
For adult dancers with 3+ years ballet training. (This class includes EBA Ballet 6 students.)
Instructor: Florabelle Moses

Beginning Ballet for Teens and Adults
Tuesday /Thursday 6:30-8:00, Upstairs Studio
(50 min barre, 30 min center)
For beginning teens and adults, and those returning to ballet after a leave of absence.
Instructor: Pamela Lehan-Siegel

Modern 2
Monday 6:00-7:00pm, Thursday 5:30-6:30pm, Studio A
For adults with at least 2 years of modern training. (This class includes EBA students.)
Instructors: Sarah Nemecek and Sarah Ebert

Photography on this Site Courtesy of Jon Christopher Meyers, Ari Denison, Cliff Coles, and Kent Peterson.

Eugene Ballet Company | 1590 Willamette Street, Eugene OR, 97401 | (541) 485-ddddd